Traveling SIRS



Chairman – Ira Dorf



   Following are photos, schedules and event reports:

September 2924

We’ve received the completed travel questionnaires from the membership and have entered the data on a spreadsheet that includes answers not only from Branch 8 but from Branches 116 and 146. The travel chairs from each branch will be interviewing the members who have expressed an interest in travel to further refine their thoughts, such as how they wish to travel, when and with whom. I’ll be sending emails to prospective travelers over the next couple of weeks. 

August 2024

The following has been sent to all Branch 8 members to understand the level of interest in moving forward with the planning process of future travel plans.

SIR8 Travel Questionnaire

SIRs in the past have very much enjoyed traveling with other SIRs.  Many SIRs have approached me and they would like to continue SIR Group Travel.  I am writing to foster SIR Group Travel. 

SIR146, SIR8 and SIR116 Travel Groups would like to know where you want to travel.  If you are interested in traveling with other SIRs, please fill out this travel questionnaire.  The last day to respond is August 9th.

After we receive this information, we will compile and summarize it.  We request that you attend an organizational meeting on Weds., 8/21 at 2:00 PM at the Walnut Creek Library, in the Las Trampas Room.  At this meeting, we will clarify your travel needs and do the same for others. Hopefully we have multiple matches and can make future SIR Travel suggestions and plans.

  1. In your email reply body, can you please list the places that you want to travel to in priority order? You can list up to 3 places. Optionally, next to each chosen area, can you please include any details that would help us understand further your travel interests.  Your answers can in CA, National or International or any combination.
  1. How would you like to travel – Please choose only one response below.
    1. Land Tour by Bus
    2. Ocean Cruise
    3. River Cruise
    4. Land Tour or Ocean Cruise
    5. Land Tour or River Cruise
    6. Ocean Cruise or River Cruise
    7. Land Tour or Ocean Cruise or River Cruise
  1. Are you interested in
    1. SIR Organized Trip
    2. SIR Travel Chairs to inform of others SIRs in either SIR146, SIR8 or SIR116 that may have the same travel interests.  This way you can plan a trip with other SIRs.  Many times, there are not enough SIRs from SIR146, SIR 8 or SIR116 to plan a SIR organized trip.
    3. A OR B

Any thought for travel suggestions, please give me a call.


The meeting to clarify travel needs scheduled for August 21 has been cancelled!


SIRs in the past have very much enjoyed traveling with other SIRs. Many SIRs have approached me and they would like to continue SIR Group Travel. I am writing to foster SIR Group Travel.


SIR146, SIR8 and SIR116 Travel Groups would like to know where you want to travel. If you are interested in traveling with other SIRs, please fill out this travel questionnaire. The last day to respond is August 9th.


After we receive this information, we will compile and summarize it. We request that you attend the clarify Creek Library, Las Trampas Room. At this meeting, we will clarify your travel needs and do the same for others. Hopefully we have multiple matches and can make future SIR Travel suggestions and plans.

The last day to take the survey is midnight August 22, 2024








update: 09/21/24 MLF