Recruitment cards

The SIR Branch 8 Recruitment Card contains some basic information about you and Branch 8. The recruitment card’s purpose is to identify you, when/where the Branch has a luncheon meeting, and a brief description about the Branch. You provide the card to a prospective member who may use the card as a reference point.
The side of the recruitment card with the SIR logo contains the member’s contact information and the Branch luncheon meeting information. This is an image of this side of the card.

The other side of the recruitment card contains a brief description of the purpose of the organization. It describes in an outline pattern some activities (50+, 30+ are Co-ed) that are available; some functions that are not done; WEB site access point. This is an image of this side of the card.

Card Availability
The Recruitment cards are available to each member at no cost and available in multiples of 10 cards (Avery stock paper size). The Membership Secretary discusses the contents of the card with the applicant. An applicant specifies the personal data that is printed on the card set: Name – required; Phone – optional, Email address – optional. The cards are inserted into the New Member package which is given to the new member when he is inducted.
If a member requires additional cards then the member requests the cards from the Membership Secretary who retrieves the member’s data from the database. The Membership Secretary prints the cards (multiple of 10) and places them in an envelope. The envelope with the member’s name and badge number is placed at the member badge pickup station.