Doctors Office
Senior Health is the #1 topic of interest to our members based upon the recently completed member survey and focus groups. SIR Branch 8 is fortunate to have several recently retired physicians as members. These physicians are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to respond to questions from our members.
Prior to our monthly luncheon, member physicians and members with health questions will meet in a suitable space in the main banquet area at the Boundary Oak Golf Course. Members have the opportunity to ask questions about their own health or the health of family members/friends. These questions may be asked in a group or separate private setting. Our member physicians will respond to these questions or direct the individual on how to get additional information regarding their health topic.
Physicians will NOT provide diagnoses. Per CMA Guidelines, these interactions will be considered “curbside consultations”. Care will be taken to avoid giving advice based upon incomplete information. Physicians will respond to questions, provide information, and direct members to seek medical attention. Members will be encouraged to consult their personal physicians, and read articles provided on health websites. They will be under no obligation to follow the advice or recommendations that are provided.
Written health materials may also be distributed. Monthly health topics may be selected for special emphasis and dissemination.
If you have a health question or seek additional information on a health matter, please visit our member physicians in a suitable space in the main banquet area at the Boundary Oak Golf Course They will be available from about 10:45 am – 11:30 am prior to our SIR luncheon.
For more information, contact Bill Adler or Bill Stein
Chairman – Bill Adler
Bob Stein
Updated 06/21/23 by MLF