2015 History Report, Fishing

Area 2 Fishing Group 2015 Summary

Activity Chairman: Carl Moyer

The year 2015 saw the addition of quite a few new members to our fishing group, and they brought new adventures and enthusiasm with them.  The salmon season was disappointing, but a few chartered ventures were rewarded. We did catch a lot of trout on well attended trips to San Pablo Reservoir and Shadow Cliffs. It was a good year for rockfish and ling cod. Sturgeon were not as obliging, with the unending winds being a prohibiting factor. We travelled to Pyramid Lake in Nevada with large groups fishing from shore and charters. We had good luck with some large summer catfish from San Pablo Reservoir. Quite a few of us went to Alaska and Canada, catching delicious halibut and salmon.  Our annual summer barbecue and Christmas party were notable for great camaraderie and fine food.  We had three fish fries, including our annual get together with the Branch 8 Sirs in the Kitchen.  We made farther trips to Oregon, Mexico, the Klamath River, Lake Davis, and the upper Sacramento River. We hope for less wind in 2015, more salmon, and lots of fun.