2015 History Report, Book Group

Book Group

Chairman: Nick Maufe
Assistant Chairman: Phil Trapp

In 2015 the Book Group met monthly at Round Table Pizza on Treat Blvd. To get the year going the members submitted their suggestions for books during November and December of 2014 and then we voted on 5 fiction and 5 non-fiction books for the year in our January meeting so we could alternate fiction and non-fiction books each month. The selection reflected the extremely varied interests within the group and was to expose many of us to books we would never have otherwise read. In addition to selecting books many members volunteered to do some background research on the authors and books to present back at each of the meetings.

There were 10 or more around the table at each meeting, each with their own thoughts and opinions. It seemed that although we didn’t always like the books, there was always a diversity of opinions about the books and lively discussions about the issues raised that left us energized and still discussing as we left the meeting! More in depth research about the author and literary criticisms added to the enjoyment and appreciation of the books.

Books read in 2015:


JanuaryFictionPeter HellerDog Star
FebruaryNon-fictionRachel MaddowDrift: The Unmooring of American Military Power
MarchFictionSalman RushdieMidnight’s Children
AprilNon-fictionSandy TolanThe Lemon Tree
MayFictionKen FollettEye of the Needle
JuneNon-fictionAmanda RipleyThe smartest kids in the world and how they got that way
JulyNon-fictionPete CrooksThe Setup
AugustFictionWallace StegnerAngle of Repose
SeptemberNon-fictionDoris Kearns GoodwinTeam of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
OctoberFictionAnnie ProulxThe Shipping News
NovemberNon-fictionAmity ShlaesThe Forgotten Man
DecemberFictionJohn GrishamSycamore Row